It doesn't take long for blackberry bushes and other fast-growing plants to overtake a large area. If shears and other hand tools won't cut it, our pros can take on overgrown vegetation with a brush hog. Watson Excavating & Earth Works, LLC, a local brush clearing company in Vancouver, WA, is well-equipped to assist you.
Our brush hog operators have over five years of experience, so they can cut bushes and tall plants down to size quickly. Hire our capable brush clearing company today to clean up your property.
That's why we provide logging cleanup services in Vancouver, WA and the surrounding area. We can...
Clear brush with specialty tools
Remove organic debris
Tidy up the land
Call 503-383-5484 now to learn more about our logging cleanup services.

Reach out today to arrange for efficient site prep services in Vancouver, WA or the surrounding area.